Keep Families Safe
In danger? Call 9-1-1.
Need urgent support? Call Women’s Crisis Centre Waterloo Region at (519) 742-5894 for family violence or (519) HERE-247 for mental health.

Over the past year, our country has been focused on reducing the damage caused by a virus. Each of us is dealing with this COVID-19 stress at home, in our community and at work. When emotional or financial stress becomes too much, it can lead to family violence.
We know another silent wave of impact from COVID-19 is family violence. Right now, 1 in 3 people in Canada is very concerned about family stress and 1 in 10 women is very concerned about family violence. Here in Waterloo Region, domestic violence charges are up 28% over last year. Just as we are working together to prevent the spread of the virus, we need to work together to prevent family violence.
Taking Action
Click the links below for materials from the Keep Families Safe program:
- KFS infographic PDF
- #KFS Postcard (pdf)
- Taxicab-card
- Web Banners (jpg)
- Employer Video – Learn how family violence impacts the workplace; how you can help and what your responsibilities are. This video can be shared in the workplace to equip everyone with knowledge that can prevent family violence during the increased stress and isolation of Covid-19.
- Employer Powerpoint (ppt)
- Signal for Help Video
- What you need to know #KeepFamiliesSafe Powerpoint (ppt)
- Sample social media messages (doc)
Now is the time to flatten the new and dangerous curve of family violence. Together we can take responsibility to Keep Families Safe. Here’s how:
Peaceful Homes: A Guide to the Prevention of Violence in the Home During and After Lockdowns. The Canadian Municipal Network on Crime Prevention
For Yourself
- Practice self-care.
- Build positive routines and relationships at home and virtually.
- Respond (not react) when you’re feeling stressed.
- Take a deep breath or go outside when you’re frustrated.
- Try to connect rather than to correct.
- Ask for help if you need it.
- Call 2-1-1 or research the links below for help finding community services ranging from food to finances, mental health to family safety programs.
- Reach out to family and friends, faith or cultural community connections, or other sources of support
- Contact Women’s Crisis Services at 519-742-5894 or Family and Children’s Services at 519-576-0540 if you or someone you know needs advice or help dealing with violence at home
- Call 9-1-1 in an emergency
These services can also help:
- Region of Waterloo Covid-19 Community Supports Info for everything from food hampers to spiritual support
- Family Compass for a comprehensive directory of covid-19 related resources from financial support to government programs to fun stuff for families
- Front Door for parents/caregivers, children and youth who are struggling with life’s challenges such as emotions, behaviours, relationships and mental health.
- Here 24/7 or 1-844-437-3247 for addictions, mental health & crisis services in Waterloo – Wellington
For Others In Your World
- Reach out to those who are isolated. A quick call or message that lets someone know they’re not alone can help calm a volatile situation.
- Help where you can. Donate food. Share information about free mental health support or community services that help with money or food issues.
- Know the signs of family violence. Share them. Watch for them.
- Let your network know that if they post an out of character message like “I’ve always liked elephants” you’ll know they need help.
- Watch for signs of isolation, financial control, humiliation, ridicule, name-calling, put-downs, destruction of property or harming pets, physical or emotional abuse, injuries, blame, fear, nervousness or neglect in the case of children. Any of these could indicate a family that may be at risk for violence.
- If you’re part of a group that meets by video conference for work, worship or leisure, let people know that if they curl four fingers over their thumb and raise it with their palm towards the camera, it’s a call for help. Like this:
- Share this information with everyone you know.
- Act if you suspect that someone needs help. Speak to the person you’re concerned about and offer support. If you see or need immediate help, contact
- Women’s Crisis Services of Waterloo Region at (519)742-5894 in Kitchener-Waterloo and 519-653-2422 in Cambridge. Fem’Aide also offers support for French-speaking callers across Ontario 24/7 1-877-336-2433
- Family and Children’s Services (FCS) at 519-576-0540
- Local police at 9-1-1 in an emergency
Towards Violence Free Homes
The Coalition of Muslim Women has started a program designed for racialized women in other languages including those who are Muslim. Towards a Violence Free Home. They train peer workers to have conversations with women in several different languages and cultures around family violence. It has opened up all sorts of important opportunities for each community.
One of the outcomes of these conversations was a local study of barriers to services for Muslim women and racialized women in Waterloo Region. These reports were released a couple of weeks ago and if you haven’t seen them yet, are a valuable resource to your organization.
Creating Equitable Services For Muslim Women In Waterloo Region: A Community Needs Assessment April 2021.
- Full Report
- Summary Report
- Link to the Event announcing these reports: Click here
We are so excited to release the UNMUTE podcast!
Created in partnership with Women’s Crisis Centre of Waterloo Region, Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council and DART (Domestic Assault Review Team of Waterloo Region), the UNMUTE podcast will span 6 episodes and take a deeper look at what we can do as active bystanders for friends and families experiencing violence at home.
Listen to the trailer here:
You can also find it on most major streaming platforms such as Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music and many more!
PS. If you subscribe, rate and review it, more people are able to find it! Every little bit helps spread this message and goal of equipping people with tools to better prevent intimate partner violence.
….and that’s a wrap!
From the Theatre of the Beat Newsletter: It’s hard to believe back in the summer of 2020, when creating theatre seemed like a faraway dream, we would be approached to create a piece that addresses the rise of domestic violence during COVID-19.
What originally began as a 4-show run in the fall of 2020, turned into a 22 show run in 2021 that spanned provinces across Canada.
Over 1000 households watched, we had viewers tuning in from all over the globe and we worked with 12 different organizations aimed towards assisting women and children experiencing violence at home.
In case you missed our resource package from the show you can access it here.
Created in partnership with Women’s Crisis Centre of Waterloo Region, Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council and DART (Domestic Assault Review Team of Waterloo Region)
Our 2020 Porch Chat Series Recordings
Porch chats provide an opportunity for people to come together and have conversations about what’s happening in our community. They promote understanding, build community connections and facilitate action among citizens and communities.
This year Porch Chats are part of a series facilitated in partnership with Keep Families Safe. Click here for details or to find the recordings