Being Tough on Crime: What are we pretending not to know?

Posted on: November 1st, 2012 by Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council

Being tough on crime often means talking about keeping criminals off the street, protecting the rights of victims and deterring offenders from either offending in the first place, or re-offending upon release. All of these things, however laudable, sound great on talk radio. In my very unscientific poll listening to a recent local talk radio […]

The Trauma Epidemic

Posted on: October 26th, 2012 by Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council

How to understand the complex nature and impact of psychological trauma in our community? Important steps are being taken in this direction by KidsLink, a Waterloo Region based organization supporting the emotional and mental health of children and youth in our community. We recently hosted Laurie Robinson in a webinar to explore the prevalence and […]

Doctors and Crime Prevention? What’s the Connection?

Posted on: October 22nd, 2012 by Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council

When the Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council talks about everyone having a role to place in crime prevention, we really do mean EVERYONE, including doctors and all health care providers! Drawing on the recommendations from The Missing Pieces report, an assessment of services and gaps for victims and offenders of interpersonal violence (2010, WRCPC), many […]

Death By A Thousand Cuts

Posted on: October 16th, 2012 by Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council

By now you’ve likely heard, read or seen the tragic story of Amanda Todd who committed suicide a few weeks after posting a video of her using flash cards to describe the torment she faced as a result of being initially cyber-bullied which then overflowed to actual violence. She made the mistake, as many young […]

By the Numbers: The power of crime policy to shape (your) public opinion [video]

Posted on: October 12th, 2012 by Smart on Crime

Do politicians and a debate about policy and policy changes impact public opinion? Anthony Piscitelli asked this question at the end of the previous episode and now he reveals his answer! Indeed, policy changes made at the political level appear to have some influence on public opinion and attitudes toward crime and the criminal justice […]

By the Numbers: It’s complicated…. [video]

Posted on: October 9th, 2012 by Smart on Crime

Everyone wants to know… how do political leaders make their decisions about crime policy anyway? Are they influenced by public opinion polls? Do politicians influence public attitudes? In the first episode of this By The Numbers series, Anthony Piscitelli guided us through 40 years of historical data on public attitudes toward the criminal justice system. […]

What really happened when Little Red Riding Hood met the Wolf

Posted on: September 17th, 2012 by Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council

I wish this were a fairy tale but sadly, it’s all too true. Every so often my white bread world is, to quote a British friend, “gobsmacked” (shaken, astonished, shocked) and this was the case recently when I attended a workshop on the issue of human trafficking in Canada. The event was sponsored by the […]

Something for everyone: Upcoming Events Round Up

Posted on: September 7th, 2012 by Smart on Crime

It used to be that summer was a time to gear down a little and take life at a slightly slower pace. Well, if you take a look at our upcoming events schedule for fall 2012, you will see that the Crime Prevention Council and many of its community partners did not gear down very […]

Smart on Crime: Interview with Jamie Courtorielle [video]

Posted on: August 31st, 2012 by Smart on Crime

When you have the opportunity to learn from someone who has ‘been there’… take it! This week, we had the honour of welcoming and hosting Jamie Courtorielle in Waterloo Region. Jamie is cycling across Canada in order to raise awareness about addictions and the destruction it is causing in our families, communities, and most of […]