Poverty in Waterloo Region… Is this REALLY OK with you?

Posted on: June 28th, 2013 by Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council

The data in the section of Root Causes of Crime in Waterloo Region titled Income of Low Income Families is no surprise to those of us who are familiar with poverty-related issues in our regional community. In fact, in Waterloo Region, 36 earners make more than $2.57M; 360 make more than $685K; 3,610 (the top […]

Income of Low Income Families: The Root Causes of Crime in Waterloo Region

Posted on: June 27th, 2013 by Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council

Over the next ten weeks stay tuned here to the blog discussion on The Root Causes of Crime in Waterloo Region where community leaders, community residents and leading experts across Waterloo Region weigh in on the root causes of crime outlined in the report. Income of Low Income Families Neighbourhoods that are at an economic […]

A Snapshot in Time: The Root Causes of Crime in Waterloo Region

Posted on: June 25th, 2013 by Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council

Our Waterloo Region community has a lot to say about most any topic you can think of, but, we are particularly passionate when it comes to talking about making change for a healthier and stronger community. We’re pretty good at moving to action too, not just talking about it! The Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council […]

The Responsibility of Our Voice

Posted on: June 18th, 2013 by Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council

This blog is the second guest post about Male Allies Against Sexual Violence (MAASV) in Waterloo Region. You can read the first post from Joan Tuchlinsky here. Being a leader doesn’t necessarily mean being at the front of a rally with a megaphone. There are many components to leadership. It’s important, especially for the guys […]

Through the eyes of Crime Prevention: Ontario 2013 Budget

Posted on: June 12th, 2013 by Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council

The 2013 Ontario Budget was passed in the Ontario legislature on Tuesday June 11, 2013. The Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council always looks to the budget through the ‘smart on crime’ lens of crime prevention. The 2013 budget presents some interesting spending and ‘non-spending’ as it relates to crime prevention. We look for information with […]

Stand up. Speak out.

Posted on: May 22nd, 2013 by Smart on Crime

Stand up. Speak out. This is the tagline for the Male Allies Against Sexual Violence (MAASV) program. MAASV is a public education program of the Sexual Assault Support Centre of Waterloo Region (SASC). Stand Up. Speak out. is the invitation MAASV extends to men and male youth to be part of the work of ending […]

What are the odds? The vulnerable child of today as the problem gambler of tomorrow?

Posted on: April 24th, 2013 by Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council

This is the official position statement of the Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council given at a public consultation on the question of a casino in  the City of Kitchener. The remarks below were given by WRCPC Executive Director, Christiane Sadeler on behalf of the Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council. Thank you for the opportunity to […]

What Will Convince Red Shirt to Leave His Gang?

Posted on: March 21st, 2013 by Smart on Crime

My recent trip to Canada held one major surprise and the image, vivid after more than two weeks, of a kid in a red shirt. I returned from a meeting-packed three days in Winnipeg, where I keynoted two conferences (one at Winnipeg University’s “Thinkers’ Conference”), participated in panels, shared thoughts with people working with at […]

Are we asking the right questions?

Posted on: March 18th, 2013 by Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council

I recently received a pamphlet from the federal government in my home mailbox titled “First Nation Elementary and Secondary Education Consultations” announcing an effort to seek citizen input into Aboriginal education on reserves. This is an area covered by the federal government whereas for other populations, education is a provincial matter. The hope is for […]

What I would love to hear in a Throne Speech in Ontario

Posted on: February 19th, 2013 by Smart on Crime

As Kathleen Wynne assumes office as Ontario’s 25th premier the time has never been better for the Ontario government to overhaul and modernize its approach to crime prevention. And that overhaul is long overdue. The current model of crime prevention at the provincial level is a fragmented collection of silo-restricted programs and services with multiple […]