No surprises there

Posted on: October 8th, 2013 by Smart on Crime

That was my initial reaction when I read the report, “Snapshot in Time: The Root causes of Crime in Waterloo Region”, and especially the information related to Males 15-24 and the following page that talks about youth unemployment and the fact that those things combined with high levels of alcohol consumption, “it is believed to […]

What does it mean for a community when almost 1/4 of the population does not have a high school diploma?

Posted on: September 17th, 2013 by Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council

The length of involvement in schooling significantly impacts participation in criminal activity and the probability of incarceration. The table below tracks the percentage of residents in the Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo Census Metropolitan Area that do not have a high school diploma. Data Source: Statistics Canada, Census (Released every five years) Story Behind the Numbers In 2006, 23.8% […]

Waterloo Region’s Catholic Schools: Laying a solid foundation for student success

Posted on: September 17th, 2013 by Smart on Crime

It is no surprise that the length of involvement in schooling significantly impacts participation in criminal activity and the probability of incarceration, as found in Snapshot in Time: Root Causes of Crime in Waterloo Region. In fact, this has been well-known in the education sector for many years – which explains the great lengths to […]

Is it ever too early? Early childhood development indicators as an early warning

Posted on: September 10th, 2013 by Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council

You might have noticed it in the title… the operative word being “early”. Every three years Senior Kindergarten teachers evaluate their students using the Early Development Instrument. This tool provides scores on a number of factors, two of which directly relate to crime prevention. Social competence measures a child’s interactions with others, ability to control […]

Put the focus on early learning, an upstream approach

Posted on: September 10th, 2013 by Smart on Crime

When reviewing the Snapshot in Time: Root Causes of Crime indicator comparing the 2007 and 2010 results of the ‘social competence’ domain of the Early Development Instrument, Waterloo region shows some improvement. 1.7% less children scored low on ‘social competence’ in 2010 than did three years previous, and this difference is statistically significant. While encouraging, […]

Won’t You Be My Neighbour?

Posted on: September 4th, 2013 by Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council

Crime prevention, social capital, neighbourhood cohesion… all the stuff of Jane Jacobs and Mr. Rogers! In this latest episode of “By The Numbers” Anthony Piscitelli pays homage to a certain friendly neighbour in order to give you the highlights of a recent report from the Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council. You can find the full report […]

Fighting the Battle against Crime by Reducing Homelessness

Posted on: August 26th, 2013 by Smart on Crime

A couple of years ago I was blessed with the opportunity to volunteer with the vulnerable sector here in Kitchener/Waterloo. Specifically, I volunteered with homeless youth under age 25. During this time I was able to get to know many of the youth and listen to their stories. My very first shift I went home […]

Housing is crime and victimization prevention

Posted on: August 21st, 2013 by Smart on Crime

Community members experiencing homelessness in Waterloo Region, as in many other communities, are often looked upon with fear – they experience stigma and exclusion on a daily basis in addition to the other challenges of being without a home – including extreme poverty, hunger, mental illness, addiction, and trauma. A significant part of this stigma […]

Excuse me Waterloo Region, your homelessness is showing

Posted on: August 20th, 2013 by Smart on Crime

In the past two years there has been a sharp increase in both the number of people using emergency shelters and the number of shelter bed nights, which means more people are using shelters and they are staying longer. When I look at this homelessness statistics presented by WRCPC’s Snapshot on Crime, I experience a […]