Guiding Rage into Power

Posted on: June 30th, 2014 by Smart on Crime

We believe in just and humane approaches to crime and its consequences. It says so right in our organizational value statements. And we love it when we can point to other examples of people and organizations walking the talk on this value. Insight-Out shows that personal transformation can be a powerful force for rehabilitation before […]

Serving Time: Six months with the Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council

Posted on: June 19th, 2014 by Smart on Crime

Prior to my Master of Social Work student placement at the Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council (WRCPC) in January of 2014 I had very little, if any, knowledge of the concept of ‘the root causes of crime’. I knew quite a bit about human development, that we are all products of our past experiences, and […]

Ignoring what we’ve learned: How to ensure that street gangs become a real problem in Waterloo Region

Posted on: May 14th, 2014 by Smart on Crime

The conclusion of the InREACH project has been the topic of many well-intended discussions at all levels of our community but we haven’t yet moved to the point of integrating the lessons learned to ongoing or upcoming projects. On Friday April 11th, the Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council hosted “Engaging Marginalized Youth: Harnessing Experience from […]

Addressing the Needs of Victims through the Criminal Justice System

Posted on: April 17th, 2014 by Smart on Crime

We all agree that both the direct and indirect victims of crime deserve society’s help and support. Victims want services to help them come to terms with their trauma, loss, and grief so they can move on. Government supported services, compensation for their injuries, and measures to prevent both the occurrence and reoccurrence of crime […]

Do you have ephebiphobia?

Posted on: April 10th, 2014 by Smart on Crime

My path in crime prevention started almost 20 years ago; my formal path that is. But, even prior to that, my work with those who were marginalized and/or victimized was also “crime prevention”. I just didn’t know it then. I certainly didn’t call it that. I know better now! Justice goes well beyond the walls […]

Lessons Learned in a Gang Project

Posted on: April 7th, 2014 by Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council

Before inREACH ended in December 2013, I shared 5 important lessons learned from the inREACH gang prevention project with the Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council. While project funding has ended, some parts continue and there is much to be learned about addressing youth gang involvement in our community for the future.  Here are some highlights. 1. What […]

Why Communities Need Neighbourhood-Based Programming for Youth

Posted on: April 3rd, 2014 by Smart on Crime

Alison Neighbourhood Community Centre is neighbourhood-based organization that works with volunteers to support residents who live in the Alison Neighbourhood in East Galt, Cambridge. We support residents, families, children & youth by offering after school programs, youth drop-in programs, community events, family outreach services, and volunteer opportunities. As a member of the Waterloo Region Crime […]

No clichés – A reflection on working with the youth of inREACH

Posted on: April 2nd, 2014 by Smart on Crime

Being an avid hockey fan, I await the joys of the upcoming Stanley Cup playoff run. But with this expect many interviews, with standardized questions with the same responses from each player. The questions never change based on a given answer, and the answers never change from game to game, and year to year for […]

My amazing experience with the inREACH project

Posted on: April 1st, 2014 by Smart on Crime

I spent a couple years working as a Youth Outreach Worker with inREACH. I spent most of my time in the Preston Heights neighborhood and also in the Paulander community. I was part of the Community Mobilization phase of this pilot project and assisted the youth in running events/programs.(ie.. Art Studio, weekly youth drop-in, sports […]

Inspired by inREACH: Reflections from a Youth Outreach Worker

Posted on: March 31st, 2014 by Smart on Crime

My experience with the inREACH project began when the Community Mobilization team was formed. I was one of 4 Youth Outreach Workers, working primarily in the Courtland Shelley community as well as in the Paulander neighborhood, both in Kitchener. Our job as Youth Outreach Workers was to work within the neighbourhood to help make young […]