As part of our mandate to educate and raise public awareness, the following WRCPC publications are available to download (pdf files).
If you are looking for specific information please contact
Conversations of Substance (2019): Youth in Waterloo Region on Issues of Substance Use
Islamophobia in Waterloo Region (2019): CMWR and WRCPC Islamophobia Report
Waterloo Region Area Survey (2017) Summary of Results
Breaking the Silence on Hidden Violence Report (2015) Addresses hate crime and violence against the LGBTQ Community in Waterloo Region.
Smart on Crime in Waterloo Region: Community Report 2010-2014 (2015) Evaluation report of our impact on Reach, Understanding and Change.
Fear of Crime in Waterloo Region and Beyond: Crime Prevention and Social Capital Re-Examined (2014) Examines levels of fear of crime, social capital and attitudes towards crime prevention in Waterloo Region.
inREACH: Final Process and Monitoring Evaluation Report (2013) Comprehensive evaluation of inREACH which outlines project design, implementation, key learning, recommendations and outcomes
Sharing our Story: Lessons Learned from the inREACH Experience (2013) Explains how the inREACH project was delivered and provides a picture of how the project helped youth, neighbourhoods and community.
Won’t You Be My Neighbour: Crime Prevention, Social Capital and Neighbourhood Cohesion in Waterloo Region (2012) uses data from the 2012 Waterloo Region Area Survey to provide a picture of fear of crime within Waterloo Region.
A Snapshot in Time: The Root Causes of Crime in Waterloo Region (2012) How the root causes of crime are impacting Waterloo Region and opportunities for interventions.
Oxy to Oxy 2 (2012): An informal summary of a 2nd forum held with area citizens and service providers in the wake of replacing OxyContin with OxyNeo in Ontario.
Between Life and Death: The Barriers to Calling 911 During an Overdose Emergency (2012) – Overdose deaths, and related harms, can be prevented through interventions such as prompt emergency medical attention. But for people who use drugs there are barriers to calling 911 during such emergencies.
From One System to Another: Crossover Children in Waterloo Region (2012) – Crossover children are defined as youth living in the care of the child welfare system who are subsequently charged with a criminal offence; they “cross over” from one sytem (child welfare) to another (youth justice).
Oxy To Oxy: Impacts & Recommendations Report ( 2012) – a reflection from area service providers and citizens as a result of the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care’s decision to delist OxyContin from the Provincial Formulary
Waterloo Region Integrated Drugs Strategy (2011) 99 recommendations to address problematic substance use and improve the health and safety of our community.
Changing Perceptions: 2011 Waterloo Region Area Survey (2011) looks at local perceptions of crime
The Missing Pieces: An Assessment of Service Assets and Gaps for Offenders and Vcitims fo Interpersonal Violence in Waterloo Region (2010)
Violence Prevention-A Guide of Practical Interventions for Consideration in Waterloo Region (2010) Best Practices Guide
No Place Like Home: Housing and Harm Reduction (2009) – This short information report provides an overview of housing programs designed for people who are dependent on substance(s) and persistently homeless.
Violence Prevention Plan Prospectus (2008)
Fear of Crime: Perceptions in Waterloo Region (2009) – Provides an understanding of the nature of fear of crime within Waterloo Region, which may ultimately be used to influence policy decisions in local agencies and government.
Reducing Violence by Enhancing Human and Social Development – a 40 Year Plan for Waterloo Region (2006) – Programs that reduce violence and recidivism are by far the most cost-effective strategy in long-term violence reduction. A 40-year Violence Prevention Plan for Waterloo Region.