Keep Families Safe: At Home
In danger? Call 9-1-1.
Need urgent support? Call Women’s Crisis Centre Waterloo Region at (519) 742-5894 for family violence or (519) HERE-247 for mental health.

At Home
- Take a deep breath, step outside or get some exercise
- Limit alcohol consumption
- Enhance relationships (Try connecting, not correcting)
- Reach out to someone who’s alone or isolated
- Listen
- Offer practical supports like a meal or running an errand
- Share vital information with someone who may not have access to solid sources. Call 2-1-1 or visit Region of Waterloo Covid-19 Community Supports Info
- Know and look for the signs of emotional or physical violence
- Join us for a virtual porch chat on bystander training, conflict resolution, understanding emotional abuse and what leads to family violence or how to help kids who may be in violent homes. Missed the chat? The recordings are all available.
Be a catalyst for hope and optimism.
If you suspect a friend needs help
- Don’t be afraid to ask: “Do you feel safe?” “Do you have support?” “Do you need a key to my house?”
- Share your concern and offer support
- Encourage your friend to reach out to family and friends, faith or cultural community connections or other sources of support
- Encourage safety planning
- Contact Women’s Crisis Services Waterloo Region or Family & Children’s Services for advice
- In an emergency, call 9-1-1