Part of the Keep Families Safe Porch Chat Series.

Posted on: August 14th, 2020 by Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council

Article Image: Intervention vital to change trajectory for abused children

WATERLOO REGION — Children are resilient, but abuse in the home can have long-lasting effects if not addressed early.

“It’s just so important that children are identified and get the support they need. It’s such an important time to change the trajectory,” said Jennifer Hutton, chief executive officer of Women’s Crisis Services of Waterloo Region.

With intervention, children can overcome trauma or abuse and avoid serious issues that linger into adulthood.

“The good news is that they are quite resilient,” Hutton said. “They can bounce back from that.” Read More…

To learn more about #KeepFamliesSafe: Preventing Violence in Waterloo Region and our Porch Chat series click here.

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